Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Rust Kills Iron - How Do You Kill Rust?

Rust corrosion has devoured and damaged iron, and objects made of iron worth an unfathomable amount of money since the industrial revolution at the turn of the 19th century, rendering millions of metric tons of the metal permanently useless.

This destructive force of rust corrosion was identified quite early, forcing industry to invest considerable amounts of time, research, and development to devise technologies that could arrest or reverse this brown menace. Over the past decades, quite a few rust prevention products and solutions have been developed and tested, including general rust inhibitors and car rust protection products. But only a handful have provided any significant rust protection to metal objects made from, or containing iron in the medium or long term. Though the advent of steel and metal paint brought partial rust protection and relief, it soon became evident that specialized rust prevention products were the order of the day.

Today, Rust Bullet is a leading name in state of the art general and car rust protection products. It has the distinction of being awarded two separate patents for its in house technologies by the U.S.P.T.O.

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